10 Quick Make-up Hacks For Any Celebration

If you are heading out for a business meet or changing for a birthday dinner immediately after work, you could transform your look anytime and look apt with your fab for any occasion. Here are some quick makeup hacks that change your mood and make heads turn.



If you are heading out for a business meet or changing for a birthday dinner immediately after work, you could transform your look anytime and look apt with your fab for any occasion. Here are some quick makeup hacks that change your mood and make heads turn: 


1. Tinted Lips

 It’s time to show off your lips with a tinge of pink or red, so go ahead and get yourself a lip gloss or a little balm. Use lighter colors during the day and shimmery ones during the evenings. Keep shocking pink and blood red for special occasions. But don’t forget that if you have an essential lunch or an official dinner let the color flow. Adding a pop of color could also enlighten your mood, and it just adds the required glam effect to your look. 


2. Keep your Powder compact handy

 Don’t move out of your home without your compact, especially on a sunny day. This is a translucent powder or cake powder that matches your skin color and could fill all those pores and keep the sweat away on any difficult afternoon or sudden outings with friends and colleagues. The compact is the go-to for that refreshing look, and it takes less time and impacts more than doing your whole makeup routine. 

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3. Get a smoky look or keep it simple with your Kajal & liner. 

A little cat eye could accentuate your looks and can never go wrong, be it with a dramatic or straightforward outfit. It will just add the drama you need for the outfit. On the other hand, a smokey eye is the no-brainer look that one can quickly achieve. You can achieve a smokey eye just with a kajal, and it’s that easy to pull off at that last moment. Keeping in mind the technicalities of getting the look and not overdoing it, you can never go wrong with this. 


4. Blush it On 

Blush is the absolute game-changer for any function or celebration, and it can help accentuate your complexion within no time. Choosing the right shade is crucial for everyone since skin complexation plays a vital role while choosing your blush, and it gives an instant flush to your whole look. 


5. Make those eyes sparkle 

When in doubt, use a little bit of your shimmering lipstick along with a nude color on your eyes to give it that sheen. It’s definitely a last-minute hack, but it could save a lot of time and still make you look glam for any event. Shimmers/ shine can be lifesavers for an unplanned event, and it just gives in the required glow to your whole eye without taking much effort. So next time you are about to head out for a family function or a celebration immediately after work, take this as your best option. 


6. Mask it with a Mascara 

For any function or occasion, your eyes are the features that need to stand out. Mascara helps not only emphasizes your makeup but also adds that special effect to your whole makeup look. Perfectly coated lashes create the drama and frame that makes the eye look beautiful and deeper. Overall, it makes our makeup really expressive and intriguing.


7. Play with colors 

Adding a pop of color to your makeup is an instant way to add life to your whole makeup. The golden rule to keep your makeup stand out or make a statement is adding color. It can be adding a bold red to your lip with neutral eye makeup or poppy eye shadow with a neutral lip, and doing both together can be a blunder. Hence balancing is the key here. 


8. Outlining is an art

Just as the outline is the base you create to draw a masterpiece, it is an art to create a flawless makeup look for a makeup artist. Outlining helps build the structure to your look that will only help you rectify anything before filling it up for an excellent outcome. 


9. Blending is the key

Cakey makeup is a big turnoff for the look. Blending your makeup is the crucial step for any look. Just as the base is significant for the makeup to grow better, the same is blending. Blending the makeup will give you the natural look one desires. Celebrities and famous personalities bid high on natural appearance these days. The best way to achieve that is to blend your makeup well into your skin. 


10. Highlighter for the glow 

It can never be complete without the instant glow to your whole look. Having a busy lifestyle, one can never keep the glowing natural; hence for that instant glow, go with the tinted highlighter that will add life to your whole look. Liquid highlighters are the new catch of the trend, and it helps in giving the luminescence in one step. Highlighters can never go wrong on any skin tone. If it is a sundowner or night function, it always adds the oomph to the look. We can’t emphasize more the benefits of using a highlighter.

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