Prof. Nemkumar Banthia was inducted as a University Killam Professor at UBC on Oct 24, 2023. Killam Professorship is the highest honor that UBC can bestow upon a faculty, and in its 108-year history, only 16 professors have been given such honor. Prof. Banthia is the first professor from all the UBC engineering departments to be chosen for this honor. He has been recognized for his exceptional research and teaching, being a true leader in his field, and receiving numerous international recognitions for his achievements, including the Alumni UBC Global Citizenship Award.

Prof. Nemkumar Banthia’s primary area of research is in Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure, emphasizing nano-modified fiber-reinforced composites, ultra-high performance concrete materials, waste recycling, fracture analysis, earthquake strengthening, and sensor-based structural health monitoring. His work integrates sensors into structures and uses data analytics to design cost-effective rehabilitation strategies. Prof. Banthia is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the American Concrete Institute, the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, the Indian Concrete Institute, the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), and the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE). Dr. Banthia holds 9 patents, has published over 475 refereed papers, and has edited 20 volumes. Prof. Banthia serves on the Editorial Boards of nine international journals and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites— a journal with a 2022 Impact Factor of 9.93 (the highest impact factor in the field).