Rajesh Mansukhani, also known as Mumbai Raj debuted on RJ1200 (SPICE RADIO) in 2009. His distinctive and enduring appeal stems from his exceptional verbal skills and an unrelenting passion for Bollywood films and content from the silver screen and digital platforms. Ms. Shushma Datt and Ms. Dianne Lee recognized his potential and christened him ‘Mumbai Raj.’

Born and raised in Mumbai, Rajesh’s urban roots run deep. He rubbed shoulders with the city’s elite from a young age. This exposure occurred as his father, a producer and financier, regularly hosted VIPs and notable Bollywood figures at his home. He also took young Rajesh to film sets and exclusive preview events.

Rajesh was an affiliate of Shiamak Davar and his global operations for an unforgettable period spanning over two decades. Rajesh fondly regards Shiamak as his mentor, friend, employer, and an integral part of his extended family. He credits Shiamak with vast knowledge and unwavering confidence.

Born and raised in Mumbai, Rajesh’s urban roots run deep. He rubbed shoulders with the city’s elite from a young age. This exposure occurred as his father, a producer and financier, regularly hosted VIPs and notable Bollywood figures at his home. He also took young Rajesh to film sets and exclusive preview events.

Rajesh divides his time between North Vancouver and Mumbai, focusing more on the latter because of personal circumstances. He is the partner of the well-acclaimed Soul Fry, renowned for its cuisine and a celebrity haunt. The restaurant is a tribute to his late mother, named ‘Little Darling,’ and under the capable management of Meldan D’Cunha. The restaurant attracts patrons with its delectable Goan cuisine and popular karaoke nights.

During the lockdown, Rajesh composed original thoughts in tweets. He compiled these thoughts into a book entitled ‘Thoughtful Tweets,’ available on Amazon. Beyond his literary pursuits, Rajesh is an avid cook with a penchant for sharing his culinary creations with friends and acquaintances. His profound passion for cinema is well-established, and he is equally proficient at writing, offering a broad spectrum of experiences.

Rajesh’s diverse interests and extensive radio host background culminated in creating the ‘Mumbai Raj’ podcast. His producer and confidant, Rahul Agiwal, made this endeavor possible. The podcast, known for its easy-to-understand and straightforward style, is live on various platforms and has received a warm reception.

Embarking on adventurous endeavors after crossing 50 is no small feat, but Rajesh embraces the challenge. His philosophy revolves around embracing change, unlocking hidden potential, and maintaining a youthful spirit.

Close friendships hold immense value in Rajesh’s life. Apart from his varied pursuits, he finds solace in reading, the culinary arts, photography, and the enchanting world of music. His younger sister is an ardent admirer, wholeheartedly supporting his newfound passions and advocating for more show hosting and interviews. This is reminiscent of the Instagram Live sessions he conducted during the lockdown.

Regarding literary preferences, Rajesh holds ‘The Laws of the Spirit World’ and ‘The Parcel’ in high regard. Regarding performers, what impresses him are the talents of Shiamak Davar, AP Dhillon, and Khalid. In addition, he enjoys dining at notable establishments such as Apna Chaat House in Vancouver and Soul Fry in Mumbai.