Linda Mah’s perseverance, determination and self-improvement have been fundamental to her accomplishments in both her professional and personal life.


“Believe in your abilities and seek unwavering assurance and credibility in your communication. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Release negativity and past trauma, and express gratitude for all you have. This mindset has helped my personal and professional development.”

Linda Mah’s perseverance, determination and self-improvement have been fundamental to her accomplishments in both her professional and personal life.

“Being raised by immigrant parents who encountered language barriers, I gained first hand insight into the importance of persistence and resilience,” Linda reminisces. “Through this experience, I have realized the importance of confidence, bravery, and an unwavering determination not to let negativity discourage me.”

Her parents’ unwavering resilience and determination inspired her. Upon their arrival in this country, her parents’ inability to read or write English encouraged them to pursue success despite this significant handicap. Their relentless work ethic transcended the language barrier and lack of skills, allowing them to triumph through sheer perseverance and dedicated work

“Witnessing their inspiring display of strength and tenacity instilled in me the values of self-education, assertiveness, benevolence, generosity, and gratitude.”

Two significant moments of vulnerability have left a lasting impression on Linda. The first was when her retired business partner fell ill, and she had to take over.                      

“Despite having all the research and customer lists, I lacked confidence in myself in my early career years. This forced me to take charge and succeed and made me aware of the need to develop genuine poise through personal growth, albeit gradually, yet with a determined disposition.”

More recently, when asked to be a keynote speaker, Linda faced the challenge head-on despite never speaking in public. This first-time experience was life-changing and significantly boosted her sense of self-worth and confidence.

“Although initially unsure and apprehensive, I found my thoughts and courage, which led me to confidence. Then, that initial strength skyrocketed, and I am now unafraid to share my thoughts in front of many people. That first experience was indeed liberating.”

Linda aims to connect with individuals with similar values, energy, and ideals. A congruent mindset is essential for brainstorming thought-provoking questions and fostering mutual understanding. While mentoring individuals with differing beliefs may require a different approach, a team must pursue shared objectives via objective explorations to reach a common goal.

“I actively seek out individuals who embrace values such as love, appreciation, and positivity—which align with mine—that eventually create harmonious thoughts which lead to a gathering and meeting of effective ideas into a single package of strategy.”

She always conducted thorough research before presenting anything; however, the initial challenge was to exude resoluteness and demonstrate that she believed in herself.

“Overcoming the habit of using filler words like ‘uhms’ and ‘ahs’ was difficult,” Linda admits. “But I approached it like an actor getting into character, mainly the Konstantin Stanislavsky Method Acting way,” she smiles. “And using the actor’s tools of voice and body, I practiced speaking with unwavering conviction and avoided second-guessing myself or seeking verification and approval from others. Eventually, I no longer had to think about it consciously; I genuinely believed in myself. The validation came from people returning to work with me and seeking my advice on matters beyond my profession.”

Linda believes cultivating a mutual support and empowerment culture is imperative for women to flourish and achieve their full potential.                

“It was high time we liberated ourselves from the old and overused clichéd roles women have played in society since time immemorial—being a mere second fiddle to men. We should play lead roles, as well, parallel to men, with equal billing, a co-star, if you will, and equal partners, not only at the equilibrium level of income but also as a significant force through inclusion and diversity.

Linda believes that solidarity among women is essential, as perpetuating a competitive environment between men and women only enforces unnecessary barriers.

“Upon entering the workforce, I noticed that even my female acquaintances, though not involved in the same industry, often exhibited envy or jealousy. This was rather than offering encouragement or congratulations for minor accomplishments. Women bring empathy and a mutual understanding of experiences, rendering their support invaluable.”

As a leader, Linda encourages her team members to express their opinions, pose questions, and actively participate in continuous learning.

“I want them to know I don’t have all the answers and value their input. I am unafraid to acknowledge my shortcomings and accept criticism about my communication or leadership. My foremost objective is to foster openness and transparency, which enables my team to comprehend my perspective better and develop a more profound sense of self-awareness.”

In her early years, while working in a predominantly male-dominated professional environment, Linda encountered biases due to her young age, petite stature, and Asian heritage.

“There was a prevailing assumption of my meekness and timidity, so I had to assert myself constantly, even when I felt nervous. This persistent effort was pivotal to establishing my credibility.”

She recognizes that her career advancement depends on her endeavors, unwavering dedication to her vocation, commitment to scholarly pursuit, and the caliber of service extended to her clients. Ultimately, her achievements depend solely on her performance, and she strongly asserts that neither gender nor ethnicity can hinder her progress.                    

Balancing work and life responsibilities, Linda has assembled a competent team to help. She focuses exclusively on tasks that align with her strengths, delegating those where she fails.

“By refraining from micromanagement,” Linda says, “I can pursue my interests in life. The foundation of my work is the desire to enjoy and lead a fulfilling life. I work to live, not the other way around. I have complete confidence in my team’s abilities, trusting that they can carry out tasks without providing me with constant updates. Rest assured, they can tackle any issues that may arise!”

Drishti asked Linda what advice she would give to the younger generation of women who wish to succeed in their chosen field of endeavor.

“Strive for continuous personal and professional improvement,” Linda says without flinching. “Believe in your abilities and seek unwavering assurance and credibility in your communication. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Release negativity and past trauma, and express gratitude for all you have. This mindset has helped my personal and professional development.”

As an individual from a visible minority, Linda has encountered instances of exclusion and discrimination in various environments.

“I consider it imperative to prioritize cultivating an environment where everyone feels esteemed, included, and significant. This is irrespective of their race, LGBTQ+ status, gender, or any underlying challenges they may encounter. Advancing together as a unified community is stellar for collective advancement.”

Mother’s Day is a special day for Linda in May. “My mother possesses quiet yet unwavering strength, exceptional determination, and dedication to our family. I have observed her resilience and ability to take on any challenge. There is nothing she wouldn’t do to help, and continues to find ways to support me with even the most minor day-to-day tasks. She is incredibly generous and selfless, never complaining and constantly pushing herself. Her gratitude for what we have and her relentless pursuit of improvement are truly admirable. Sadly, during her younger days, women’s status in society was second-class citizens. She lacked the support and educational opportunities that could have amplified her innate gifts and made her almost unstoppable. Despite her many accomplishments, she still feels a sense of regret for not being able to achieve more in her life. She believes that if she had been given the same opportunities as men, she could have made a much bigger impact on the world. Still, I hope to live a life that makes us both proud and is a testament to all she continues to teach me.”

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