Kal Dosanjh

kal Dosanjh“Residents want City of Surrey Crime free.” Kal Dosanjh.

The moment the clock struck 4pm. Wednesday, Kal Dosanjh  and his team of volunteers hit the pavement canvassing, erecting signs and talking to every neighbour in every block in Surrey in the last stretch before election day. Their enthusiasm was evident by the positive response from Surrey residents towards Dosanjh’s candidacy. Mr. Dosanjh who joined the overly crowded council race in Surrey with the goal to make change happen, is not wasting any time urging all his supporters to get out and vote. His emphasis on public safety only serves to show the much needed transformation for Surrey.

“A change in a community is possible as long as one person believes in the potential for a difference” said Kal Dosanjh. His role as the VP of the BC Human Rights Coalition and his engagement in hundreds of youth programs make him a dedicated community leader. His fifteen years of law enforcement experience brings a valuable factor towards the resolution of the main crime issue facing Surrey today.

Mr.Dosanjh, is talking about cracking down on crime with the One Surrey 360 degree plan to fight crime.  He is committed to hire more police officers to maintain the ratio of one office per 700 people.  Hiring 200 community Safety officers, including new by- law and crime prevention officers.  He is committed to have the plan on the ground by 2015 or council will take 10% wage cut.

On November 15, the much needed transformation of Surrey will depend on your vote for Kal Dosanjh and the progressive voice he can bring to Surrey council.