Horoscope June / July 2020

ARIES: Home, family, and personal security get your attention. You've been spending for quite some time restructuring your foundation for future success and achievement. Your intellectual and mental pursuits remain razor-sharp. You spend a lot of energy playing or falling in love quite passionately. Your social life is still in high gear. Anyone received a surprising 'proposal' since April? Enlightenment comes first regarding career/public image than regarding groups, friends, or goals. Massive gains for Bharni nakshatra born in this sign.

by Capt. Sukhbir Mangat


Home, family, and personal security get your attention. You’ve been spending for quite some time restructuring your foundation for future success and achievement. Your intellectual and mental pursuits remain razor-sharp. You spend a lot of energy playing or falling in love quite passionately. Your social life is still in high gear. Anyone received a surprising ‘proposal’ since April? Enlightenment comes first regarding career/public image than regarding groups, friends, or goals. Massive gains for Bharni nakshatra born in this sign.


Every day, your environment is ablaze with activity. You’ve been spending quite some time pursuing more in-depth knowledge to learn to better your existence. The home front buzzes with numerous conversations. Some could take a nostalgic turn, but it could lead to confrontations with family members. Use your Taurean energy to remain stable. Home renovations or building a new home is best done before Mercury goes retrograde. Investments still favored. Kindness & Monetary gains come for Rohini nakshatra born but take care of your health.


You’ve been concentrating on wealth, possessions, and self-worth for a while. Communication in your daily environment increases dramatically. That’s one of your inborn talents, but ensure that your words’ power doesn’t become a destructive weapon. Venus continues to transit your solar birth sign since April. How many have you changed your appearance—several times? Continue asking for what you want. You might get it—at least until early August. Mrigasira nakshatra born could experience some distress in their love life.


Happy Birthday, you caring, nurturing crustaceans! Saturn is still teaching you to look inward for honest self-evaluation. Partnership/relationship issues may be revealed. Pay attention to what you value in life—materially, intellectually, and spiritually. There will be discussions with others concerning money or property. Loved ones need your charity for your soul growth. Avoid squandering money, and to impose your beliefs on others. Month’s end may be stormy, and Pushya nakshatra-born could struggle in getting new work contracts.


Do you feel as though you’ve been in a fog? It begins to clear now. Make use of that extra burst of energy. It will be about 22 months before you get that extra burst again. Be careful not to roar too loudly! Social life is enhanced. For males, interaction with women may often occur. Many of you are still working on your spirituality and learning to accept yourself for who and what you are. Enlightenment is yours this period in work and health, and then later regarding partnership/relationship. Magha nakshatra-born may still find some challenges.


Practical, detailed, and conscientious—that’s how you are. People you associate with are a reflection of yourself. Your ultimate life vision is still being restructured. Meditation helps open your mind to higher views and calms edginess that’s hard to pin down. Say everything that needs to be said. Keeping secrets might be held against you. Favorable circumstances in business and professional life arise. Hastha nakshatra born would have ample opportunity at work from now onwards, and it will last until the next 6 months.


Your consciousness broadens your vision through some Venusian endeavors. Your personal reputation will become public, and original words will be communicated amongst friends. Don’t be over-bearing with your burning passion for goals and ambitions. A guardian angel remains on your shoulder until the end of September. Enlightenment will come to you. An excellent happy phase in life has started for you, Vishakha nakshatra, so take advantage of it.


Use your inborn need for deep involvement and intense transformations to help expand your personal horizons through metaphysical, religious, or spiritual pursuits. Studying will help advance your career. Communicate what you need in your professional life. Avoid petty details. Watch out for conflicts. Intimate encounters continue with more depth and intensity. Now Venus is direct, credit applications are favorable. Jyeshtha nakshatra-born, with due diligence, could enjoy your good fortune until the end of this year.


You’re still learning the limitations of your own resources and how much you need to cooperate with others. New courses of study might awaken something deep in your soul. Partnership/relationship will continue to progress smoothly. Some may finally decide to get married. Travel favored as long as you don’t go too far too fast. Long-distance moves may be in the works. Enlightenment on finances will change your outlook in life. Purva Ashadha nakshatra-born will gain the maximum during this period, so good luck.


Saturn still transits your chart’s sector requiring analysis of commitments and expectations in your relationships. Reflect on profound psychological truths. Get in touch with hidden aspects of yourself. Expect intense and in-depth conversations. Employee relationships continue smoothly. So does the tendency to overindulge in food and drink! Your ability to handle sudden urgent situations is being tested. Uttra Ashadha nakshatra, you are directly under the influence of Saturn, so take care of your health.


You’re still in a period of learning the value of daily work and service, and of keeping your body functioning healthily. People may enter your life that uncannily resembles and act like others, you know. Fun, entertainment, and having a good time are still priorities. A new relationship could begin. Make inevitable conflicts that arise are worth fighting over. Enlightenment comes regarding spiritual or mystical disciplines. Purva Bhadra nakshatra-born, you are enjoying the ultimate success in life; it will last till Jan 2021. Enjoy it.


The purpose of your existence is one of your biggest concerns. The pace of your daily rhythm will accelerate. Health issues surface. Watch out for disputes and arguments with co-workers. The atmosphere at home and with family should still be pleasant. Redecoration fever still burns. Spring-cleaning has taken longer than anticipated? Enlightenment comes regarding groups/friends/goals/ambitions, then regarding your higher spiritual connection. Revati nakshatra, it’s a complete success story for you till the end of this year.

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