Shakti Film Festival by Shakti Society

Shakti: Empowerment of Women, Children and Families Society

Shakti Society is a non-profit society committed to empowering women, families and children
through community forums, Shakti Awards, wellness days and healing circles. Our mandate is to
support all members of society, especially women, in finding their own power and voice to
become strong leaders and advocates for themselves and the community. We have introduced
various initiatives that help ‘awaken the power within’ and the Shakti Film Festival is our latest
undertaking in our mission to increase and acknowledge women’s representation in film.

Through the Shakti Film Festival, we aim to promote and bring an awareness of women
filmmakers, including directors, producers, writers, production crew and films that portray
women as strong, empowered, and realistic characters. As a predominantly women driven nonprofit, Shakti Society has addressed the influence of media and films on violence against women and we will be focusing and promoting films that showcase women in strong roles as well as film makers who are often marginalized due to various barriers, like race, colour, finances, language, disability, sexual orientation and various health issues including mental health.

We invite you to join us for the launch of the Shakti Film Festival where we will showcase some
clips of empowering films that reflect the values of our film festival. We will have a discussion
with local film, media personalities and community leaders about the relevance of this film
festival and the role that media plays in shaping society.

When: Thursday March 8th, 2018 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Where: Ultimate Banquet Hall 8072 120th St, Surrey

Sponsored Message

Tickets: $20. Can be purchased via e-transfers or cash.

Includes: Hors d’oeuvres and cash bar.

Contact: For more information or sponsorship enquiries, Sonia at 604-307-8796 or

Alison at 778-896-0294 or email [email protected]

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