BC’s Family Doctor Day Serves as a Reminder that the System in Crisis

Almost one million British Columbians don’t have, and can’t get, a family doctor.

VANCOUVER (May 15, 2024) – Concern is rising across the province of British Columbia around access to primary care. BC Family Doctor Day provides a crucial reminder of the significant role family physicians play in supporting our communities.

“BC Family Doctor Day is a chance to appreciate the incredible ongoing work of family physicians in British Columbia,” said Kendra Johnson, Executive Director of the BC College of Family Physicians (BCCFP). “It also serves us with the reminder that we must work together to ensure a strong foundation of care in BC. It is critically important to the wellbeing of our residents and in maintaining the integrity of our health care system.”

Over 40 per cent of British Columbians are concerned about losing their family doctor to retirement or closure to practice. This raises significant concern for the stability of health care in the province as over 70 per cent of BC residents see family physicians as the first point of contact for a health concern.

In order to ensure the stability of family medicine in BC, it is critically important that barriers to practice are minimized and reduced. Family physicians must continue to be recognized as leading partners in team-based primary care and have a voice at policy-making tables. Moreover, administrative processes need to be modernized to reflect the diverse delivery methods of family medicine, ensuring equitable and efficient access to care for all British Columbians.

“We know our patients well, and work to prevent and address health concerns by promoting early diagnosis and management of chronic illness,” said Dr. Vincent Wong, President of BCCFP. “Family physicians want to continue providing access to ongoing, responsive, and quality care. Ensuring we have the support to do so from the government is critically important.”

This BC Family Doctor Day, we must recognize this essential work and ensure the sustainability of family medicine.