Hardeep&VishalQ 1.Tell us about your wedding?

Bride: It was an extremely stressful five months—in which I spent five weeks in India doing wedding shopping and coming back with only a month until the big day. Vashal and I had families from all over the world, joined us to celebrate our big day with us. We’re so thankful for everyone coming out and taking time out of their busy schedules. The wedding week started off with a ladies’ sangeet at Bombay Hall, followed with henna night and mayian. Traditionally, the morning gurdwara rituals are held from were the bride is from and followed with the reception from the groom’s side. In our case, the wedding was held on May 18th 2013 at Sukh Sagar Gurdwara in New Westminster and the reception on May 20th at the Capilano Hall in Edmonton. Most of the families that flew in to Surrey for the wedding were on the way to Edmonton the next morning for the reception the following night, which was one memorable night.

Groom: Our wedding took place in Surrey and the reception was in Edmonton. Family flew in from all parts of the world, and I got to reunite with family that I had not seen for a long time. It was the best time of my life. It went by—way too fast. If I could do it all over again, I would.

Q 2. How long did you know each other before marriage?

Bride: We knew each other for three years before getting married. We met each other during the Vancouver 2010 Olympics in Vancouver downtown through mutual friends. Vashal was in town with his friends from Edmonton for the Olympics and I was out with my girlfriends celebrating the big win.  We instantly connected and the rest was history.

Groom: We’ve known each other for three years before we got married. I met Hardeep during the Vancouver Olympics when I came down with my friends from Edmonton.

Q 3.what are the strengths of your marriage?

Bride: Our biggest strength is that we are not just husband and wife, we are best friends as well. We make up for our weaknesses. We share everything with each other, from what happened at work, what we ate for lunch, weekend plans, family, sports, drama—you name it.

Groom: Our marriage has taught me a lot about myself, and has made me a better person.

Q 4.what are the biggest challenges to overcome as a couple?

Bride: Making time for one another and for our families and friends

Groom: The biggest challenge is setting time aside to spend with family and friends. We are so busy with work now it is hard to make time to do that. However, we always make time for each other.

Q 5. How important is sharing your interests and beliefs?

Bride: For a healthy marriage you must be able to share everything about each other and being honest with each other; have great communication not just with your spouse but with both families.

Groom: It is one of the most important things. Luckily we have most of the same interests and beliefs, but at the same time, a lot of different ones too. It has given me a better sense of who my wife is, and has made us best friends. It’s awesome having a wife that loves sports just as much as you—it is an icing on the cake.

Q. 6 What are your favourite moments in your wedding?

Bride: It didn’t hit me I was getting married until the day of my ladies’ party when Vashals family was doing shagun on me. One of my most memorable moments during the wedding was when I was walking in the gurdwara and saw Vashal in a turban with a grown beard, I was speechless— he looked very handsome.

Another one of my favourite moments was having families come from India, England, Australia, USA, across Canada and of course locals celebrating with me on our wedding day. I have found no other words but a big thank you for families and friends who took time off with their busy schedules.

The most special moment was during the lawa when Vashals cousin and Massi ji were reciting the scriptures from the Sri Guru Granth sahib Ji, translating it in English and explaining the meaning behind each Lawa to the sangat. It made everything more special and surreal.

Groom: My favourite moment was the Mayian, and a lot of the events leading up to the wedding. Hanging out and catching up with family that I had not seen in a long time was another priceless moment. The best moment of the whole wedding was the actual wedding and reception, because I knew that day we would never have to be apart again and that I would be spending the rest of my life with Hardeep.

Q. 7 Would you like to give some advice to other married couples?

Bride: other half will always be there by your side. But, remember: you are not only married to your husband, but in your in-laws as well, so it is very important to communicate and build a relationship with them. Being honest and sharing everything with each other makes life much easier.

Have patience and never forget what you mean to one another. No relationship is perfect. No matter who you’re with, every marriage requires work. You are always learning more about the other person. Most of all, always remember how much you love each other.

Lastly, always remember how much you love each other. Never let small arguments get in the way, it’s part of married life. No matter how busy you get, always make time for one another.  

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