Statement by the Prime Minister on Rosh Hashana

“Tonight at sunset, Jewish communities in Canada and around the world will celebrate Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year.

“Rosh Hashana is the beginning of the High Holidays, culminating in Yom Kippur. Normally, it’s a time for families and loved ones to reflect on the past year and their hopes for the future, and come together to pray and share meals.

Romance is in the Air ‘A Flight to Catch’ by Pooja Valeja

Trainer, Publicist, Entrepreneur and now Author, Pooja Valeja is all set to launch her very first fiction, ‘A Flight to Catch: A Tale of Unspoken Words’. A book that interestingly portrays various moulds of a relationship through a seamless story line. It explains the nuances and the delicate feelings of a transcending relationship from being acquaintances, to the closest of friends, to lovers and eventually with a twist in the tail.