BC’s Tax System Fairer Since 2017, Richest 1% Paying More But Still Not Their Fair Share
Changes to BC’s personal tax system since 2017 have improved tax fairness, benefiting low- and middle-income earners the most while the richest 1% are paying more. However, the wealthiest are still not contributing their fair share, according to a new report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-BC Office.
Increased tax credit puts more money in more people’s bank accounts
More than two million families and individuals are getting more help with costs as higher Climate Action Tax Credit payments arrived in bank accounts starting Friday, July 5, 2024.
The $180-Million BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund (BCMJF) Supports New Manufacturing Jobs For People In B.C.
Provincial funding for manufacturing is creating and protecting thousands of well-paying jobs for people in B.C. and promoting the development of made-in-B.C. products, with a focus on advancing the value-added wood sector.
CARP’s Statement On The Finance Ministers Meeting And The Unity Of The CPP
The Canadian Association of Retired persons (CARP) applauds that the federal government and all provincial territorial Ministers of Finance recently met to discuss the unity of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and its importance to all Canadians.
Top Tips To Get Ready For Tax Time
If there’s one thing you can count on every year, it’s that April 30th – or the first business day after it – is the deadline for filing our taxes. Are you ready? If not, here are four tips to help you plan for the big day.
NDP MPs Demand CEBA Extension To Get Vancouver Businesses Through The New Year
Eighty-one per cent of small businesses who relied on CEBA have yet to pay it back, but they’ll have to by January 18.
NDP Sponsors Petition To Extend CEBA Deadline With Loan Forgiveness To Help Small Businesses
OTTAWA – NDP MP Taylor Bachrach (Skeena – Bulkley Valley) is calling on the government to extend the Canada Emergency Benefit Account (CEBA) loan…
ICBA Appoints Jock Finlayson As First Chief Economist
The Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA), the country’s largest construction association, announced today the appointment of Jock Finlayson as its inaugural Chief Economist.
Federal wealth tax would raise over $30 billion in first year: economist
A federal wealth tax could provide ongoing revenue for much-needed investments in public programs and help rein in extreme economic inequality, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives BC Office’s latest modelling for such a tax shows.