Sher Vancouver Launches Its Inaugural Annual Fund Drive to Coincide With Pride Season

her Vancouver is a social, cultural, and support non-profit organization for LGBTQ South Asians and their friends and families.  Everyone is welcome in Sher.

Surrey, BC – Sher Vancouver is a social, cultural, and support non-profit organization for LGBTQ South Asians and their friends and families.  Everyone is welcome in Sher.

Sher aims to reduce alienation, isolation, loneliness, depression, and suicidal ideation

Many people who have nowhere else to turn and are in desperate situations turn to Sher Vancouver for support and assistance.

Sher Vancouver is launching its inaugural annual fund drive to coincide with pride season.

Sher Vancouver is a grassroots non-profit society with a limited budget and depends on support from the community to carry out its activities.

The Sher Vancouver Annual Fund supports our core and critical programs and services such as:

1.  Youth Peer Support Group (16 to 30 – Everyone Welcome)
2.  Women’s Peer Support Group (All Ages Welcome – Transgender People Welcome)
3.  Men’s Peer Support Group (30 plus – Transgender People Welcome)
3.  Crisis Counselling Program
4.  Youth Leadership Scholarship
5.  Documentary on Transgender Women of Colour Issues
6.  Emergency Fund for Immigrants and Refugees
7.  Summer and Christmas Social Connections Gatherings

  1. Outreach Presentations to combat Racism, Bullying, Homophobia, and Transphobia

    Sher Vancouver celebrated our 10th anniversary in April 2018.

    Check out our YouTube video below which is only 6 minutes and 21 seconds long to learn about some of our advocacy and highlights as an organization over the last decade.

Please donate whatever you can.  Every little bit helps.  We are grateful for your support.  Thank you.

You can donate via credit card at the following Go Fund Me campaign.

To download our official sponsorship kit or for more information on Sher Vancouver check out our website at  or email to find out how to donate via email transfer or cheque.